There is only one trailhead, so you'll be hiking it in and back out. This great outdoors hiking trail sometimes gets very dry, so don’t forget to check for any current fire restrictions before you go. Packer Trail is 14.2 miles long; it's considered a longer hike. The total elevation difference for this backpacking trail is 2,776 feet which is a higher than average number. Keep in mind that this is a long great outdoors hiking trail, so make sure you bring plenty of supplies. Of course, this is an overnight hike, 2 days normally, so better have big a backpack to fit all the stuff you need. This hiking and backpacking trail goes through some very different elevations, and that means that some parts of the hiking and backpacking trail could be very different from other parts of it.

Total in and out hiking length = 14.2 miles
Total climbing distance = 6.2 miles
Difficulty : Difficult
Casual Hiking Pace:
2 days
Fast Hiking Pace:
8.5 hours
Total elevation difference: 2776 feet