This hiking trail has a total elevation difference of 2,782 feet which is a higher than average number. Now, this is roughly a 2-day backcountry hike, so it's a good thing if your backpack is big enough to do the job. Dog Prairie Trail is quite long, so do pack enough food to last the whole trip. This is a two-ended hiking trail with two trailheads which means you have the option of backcountry hiking it one way if you have someone to pick you up at the other end. Dog Prairie Trail is 13 miles long; it's a long wilderness trail. This wilderness trail sometimes gets very dry, so don’t forget to check for any current fire restrictions before you go. Different parts of Dog Prairie Trail are at very different elevations, and that means that some parts of the wilderness trail could be very different from other parts of it.

Trailhead 1 to Trailhead 2: Total hiking length = 6.5 miles Total climbing distance = 4.6 miles Difficulty : Difficult Casual Hiking Pace:
7 hours
Fast Hiking Pace:
4 hours
Trailhead 2 to Trailhead 1: Total hiking length = 6.5 miles Total climbing distance = 1 miles Difficulty : Difficult Casual Hiking Pace:
4.5 hours
Fast Hiking Pace:
2.5 hours
| | Trailhead 1 back to Trailhead 1: Total hiking length = 13 miles Total climbing distance = 5.6 miles Difficulty : Difficult Casual Hiking Pace:
2 days
Fast Hiking Pace:
7.5 hours
Trailhead 2 back to Trailhead 2: Total hiking length = 13 miles Total climbing distance = 5.6 miles Difficulty : Difficult Casual Hiking Pace:
2 days
Fast Hiking Pace:
7.5 hours
Total elevation difference: 2782 feet