This is a two-ended great outdoors hiking trail with two trailheads, so backcountry backpacking it one way is an option if you can arrange for a ride back. At parts of the year this neighborhood sees very little rain, so do check for current fire restrictions before you go if you plan to bring a stove or make a camp fire. The backpacking trail stays roughly within the same elevation zone the whole time, so you get pretty much the same conditions along the whole backpacking trail. You should count on this backcountry walk taking about 6 hours, but of course some folks walk a bit slower and some a bit faster. Cone Point Trail is quite long, so make sure you bring plenty of supplies. Being 6.4 miles long it's a mid length backcountry trek. The total elevation difference for this great outdoors hiking trail is 633 feet, and that is lower than average.

Trailhead 1 to Trailhead 2: Total hiking length = 3.2 miles Total climbing distance = 2 miles Difficulty : Medium Casual Hiking Pace:
3 hours
Fast Hiking Pace:
2 hours
Trailhead 2 to Trailhead 1: Total hiking length = 3.2 miles Total climbing distance = .9 miles Difficulty : Easy Casual Hiking Pace:
2.5 hours
Fast Hiking Pace:
1.5 hours
| | Trailhead 1 back to Trailhead 1: Total hiking length = 6.4 miles Total climbing distance = 2.9 miles Difficulty : Difficult Casual Hiking Pace:
6 hours
Fast Hiking Pace:
4 hours
Trailhead 2 back to Trailhead 2: Total hiking length = 6.4 miles Total climbing distance = 2.9 miles Difficulty : Difficult Casual Hiking Pace:
6 hours
Fast Hiking Pace:
4 hours
Total elevation difference: 633 feet